Final Animation – Mimir Publications

For the final animation project, I decided to keep my logo the way it was. I struggled in the beginning because I knew I wanted to have the tree grow somehow, but I did not know how to go about it. Ultimately, I ended up using the animated masks throughout the entirety of the project.

My main struggle in this project was saving my work. As simple as it sounds, SAVE AFTER EACH ADJUSTMENT. I somehow reset about an hour and a half of my progress in a manner that I don’t even know how it happened. Luckily, repetition is a good learning tool so I was able to catch back up to where I was before I reset the project in no time.

With this animation, I chose to stick with the color scheme of my project which was an off-black and a ice white. The animation was difficult at first as I had to keep going back to my illustrator file and using the knife tool to separate different parts of my design as in my original design, I utilized the pen tool to create all of the lines. Each separation allowed me to flow the generate stroke effect seamlessly. I chose to have a constant background noise as most sound effects did not make sense for the growing tree, but I think the carving of the Ansuz rune was a nice touch.

In the end, I am proud of my project and proud of how far I have grown as a designer in my time in J465.