kate’s animation

Overall, I enjoyed completing the final project in J465. I made a few improvements to my initial logo, like removing two of the stripes, changing the text to all caps, adding the orange color to the type, and making some adjustments on the petals. At first, I didn’t know where to start on After Effects, but I knew I wanted to illustrate how the petals also represent pages of a book. Therefore, I made a simple rotation and added a page turning sound effect. For the stem parts in the middle, I did an animated mask to line up with the background music. And for the words, I used a stamp sound effect to match up with their position. I also made sure to choose a background audio that went with the overall vibe of my logo and I made it fade out at the end so there wasn’t such a harsh ending. I liked doing this project and I definitely learned a lot during this process. One of the most important takeaways from this project specifically was teaching myself how to do a lot of problem solving on After Effects and Illustrator.