Blue Boot Publishing Co.

Blue Boot Publishing Co. Logo

For the Logo project, I really was aiming to create a logo that is timeless, clean and sophisticated. I wanted to target creatives looking to further their work with Blue Boot Publishing Co. and used color, a design and typography to do so. The name Blue Boot stood out to me because of its alliteration and simplicity. I figured there were a lot of ways to go about making a logo to match the brand name, but I wanted to do a play on the two “b’s.” Rain-boots seemed to be the perfect image, and when I reflected a boot vertically, the image reflected the perfect amount of symmetry. I had a difficult time deciding whether I wanted the boots to be filled with color and be more illustrative, or to have them outlined and more of a silhouette. To make my decision, I moved forward to figure out and decide which typography to use. In order to have a clean and modern look, Broadacre stood out to me. An outline of the boots felt the most compatible with the stroke weight of the typography I wanted to use. In the variations of the logo, I wanted the boots to be recognizable to customers without text, and I feel as though that was the result. This project challenged me. I would have loved to create a more miraculous logo, but in order to be recognizable and easily transferred, I felt as though blue boot would be the perfect stamp for creative minds to recognize and place upon their work, when published.

I think an additional detail I could have added maybe is a water splash or puddle under the boots to make extremely clear that they are in fact rain-boots. The deep blues and clean white communicated the clean and modern look, and I feel as though paired well with the graphic.